MSP to host winter wheat trials event on June 13

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  • 11 May 2022
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MSP to host winter wheat trials event on June 13

After a three-year hiatus, our in-person winter wheat variety trials evening is back.

Taking place on Monday, June 13 from 4pm – 8pm, the event will see growers invited to Mountfair Farm in the Scottish Borders to check out the performance of 25 different winter wheat varieties during the growing season so far as they aim to determine which varieties to sow in autumn 2022.

There are a host of different varieties on show, including current favourites such as KWS Extase and LG Skyscraper, through to new varieties like Champion, KWS Brium and KWS Guium.

As per previous years, a food truck from local business U’ve Pulled will be stationed at the farm serving hot pork and beef rolls to attendees, alongside tea, coffee and juice.

We look forward to welcoming as many growers as possible to Mountfair Farm for the event, where members of the McCreath Simpson & Prentice team will take small groups around the trials and share their expertise on each of the varieties.

However, if you can’t attend on the night, we plan to record another virtual wheat variety trials tour, which proved to be popular during 2020 and 2021 when large, in-person events weren’t permitted.

Last year’s recording can be viewed below:

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