Sulphur based autumn fertiliser options

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  • 03 December 2020

Sulphur based autumn fertiliser options

Sulphur is an essential plant nutrient that is vital in the formation of plant protein, amino acids, vitamins and enzymes.

Plants that are low in sulphur suffer from poor nitrogen utilisation, which leads onto a delay in grain maturity, a reduced grain protein quality and a decline in yield and quality.

Plants need sulphur in the form of sulphate. This is the only form of sulphur which can be taken up by the roots and is the form in which it is used within the plants.

In this blog, Fertiliser Director David Barrett gives the lowdown on two of our popular fertiliser products that feature sulphur, before talking about how each product can be tailor-made for your soil specifications.

Polysulphate – 0-0-14+48%S03+17%CaO+3.6%Mg

Polysulphate is a naturally occurring rock providing available sources of four nutrients.

Primarily, there is a significant source of available sulphur in a form that can be applied in both the autumn and spring seasons, which will not wash down field drains or volatilise off to the atmosphere. This enhances the agronomic benefits and increases the window of application to crops in the autumn.

The type of sulphur in Polysulphate means there is a consistent release of sulphur to the crop, which ensures its efficient uptake and utilisation, converting to yield and quality at harvest.

In conjunction with ICL Specialty FertilizersMcCreath Simpson & Prentice is currently conducting extensive local trials in Northumberland and Scotland on cereals and grassland.

These trials have already established consistent significant yield increases in cereals, as well as quality and friability colour in potatoes.

Polysulphate is available as a straight granular sized product or as a granular sized blend into NS, NPKS, NKS and PKS products.

Ammonium Sulphate – ASG3. 21-0-0+60%S03

Ammonium Sulphate is a traditional, established source of Sulphur applied to the crops. It is applied as a straight as a source of nitrogen and sulphur combined, or in varying grades of blends.

It is quickly available to the crop and is, with exception of winter and spring oil seed rape, best applied to cereals and grassland – albeit with a ‘little and often’ approach to ensure efficient uptake and reducing the risk of losses to drainage and volatilisation.

The many grades of Ammonium Sulphate give way to a large variance in quality, size and granulometry. A cheap Ammonium Sulphate price invariably equals low quality and here at MSP, we only buy and supply the ASG3 product, which is granular in size with the ability to spread 36 metres.

How MSP can assist you

If it’s a more specialised blend you’re looking for, our FACTS and BASIS qualified team can use your field soil analysis to formulate a fertiliser that matches the exact nutritional requirements of your crops, providing you with maximum yields.

Our fertiliser blends come in a variety of sizes to suit your requirements, from 600kg bags to tonne bags or bulk buys up to 1,000 tonnes. We also run our own fleet of lorries, meaning we can arrange convenient times for your fertiliser to be delivered.

Interested in speaking to our fertiliser teamContact us today and let us become your partners in farming.

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